1. Why didn't they feel any
(Farhanah / 4D)
2. What were the obstacles faced by
(Anis / 4C)
3. Why were there bloated carcasses and
tiny chips of tree bark
between the water?
(Zubaidah /
4. What characteristics were shown by
the couple in stanza 2
of the poem?
(Rachsyikin / 4D)
5. Why do they never complain from
what they had gone through?
(Yusrina / 4D)
6. Why were they trying so hard to
search for their son's buffalo? (Najwa / 4D)
7. What is the writer's intention of
writing this poem? (Nabilah / 4B)
8. What does the condition of the
buffalo tell you about the couple?
( Maryam / 4B)
9. Why are they sttill making jokes
while facing the difficulties
of life?
/ 4B)
10. Why did you think that the son did
not look for the albino buffalo
on his own? (Maizan / 4B)
11. Why did the people approach the
(Maisarah / 4B)
12. When facing a hard time, do you handle it the same
way the family in the poem does? Why?
(Atikah / 4C)
13. Do you admire the actions of the
Give a reason for your answer.
(Hakimah / 4C)
14. Why did they return home at
(Farihah / 4C)
15. What did they do to forget about
their problems? (Waida /
16. In your opinion, how did they
endure the hardships
they face during the flood? (Yaya / 4A)
17. What is the meaning of albino
(Nisa / 4A)
18. What are the lessons learnt from
this poem?
(Raza / 4A)
19. What does the poem tell you about
the people? (Husna
/ 4A)
20. State the themes in this poem.
(Syidah / 4A)
21. What does the phrase 'bloated
carcasses' refer to? (Nadiah / 4A)